ou Can't
Do Anything To Me!
So there was Gord minding the store, when the call came from
his local collection company.
"Ya, about that crazy Stephanie Schneider woman. Apparently,
she's moving out of province according to her employer."
[note: at this time, my collection company really was
borderline incompetent. Nice people, just really useless.
Very much in favour of the soft approach.]
Good old Stephanie. Comes in, signs up a new account just
after Gord had moved the store to a new location, and then
rents two games. Then she never returns. No one ever answers
her phone and such. The one time Gord managed to get someone
at her place, it was "we'll bring them down on Tuesday as she
really likes them."
Then once it was turned over to collections, it was "never
been to the store", "never rents games", and eventually "You
can't prove I ever rented a game." Whatever, enjoy your
credit being shot. Her mother would be so proud!
Next morning before Gord heads on down to the empire, Gord
gave her a call from his place as they both live in the same
nearby town. And boom! She answers.
"So, what's up? Any particular reason you're refusing to
"I'm moving to Alberta! There is nothing you can do to me!"
"Ma'am. Never say never to the Gord."
<click> (Gord ends the call).
To the courthouse! Then to the store to grab a witness, then
to Stephanie's house!
Gord pulls up to her place. Moving truck in the yard, her car
still there (she lives two doors down from Gord's favourite
sub place in the world, so he had seen the place many a time).
Gord and the witness walk up to the door.
<ding dong>
Woman comes to the door.
"Stephanie Schneider?"
"You've been served. Good day."
"I'm not Stephanie!"
"Err, what?"
"I'm not Stephanie."
"Yes you are. I recognize you."
"No I'm not. I'm the new tenant. Stephanie moved already."
"That's odd. People usually don't move and leave a moving
van with all their stuff in it and their car behind."
"Uhm… ya. She left."
"Then who are you?"
"I'm the new tenant?"
"Oh really? May I see your ID?"
"Why, so you can see who I am?"
"I know who you are. I want you to prove you're not."
"I'm not showing you my ID."
"I'm not surprised there Stephanie."
"I'm not Stephanie."
"If you say so. Anyway, you've been served."
"I'm not taking those."
"That's fine. I'll just leave them on the door frame
here. It's not my problem anymore."
Gord and the witness walk away.
"I'm not Stephanie.. I'm not Stephanie!!!!!"
<Dramatic pause>
"Fuck you! Fuck you both! You'll never see a dime from me!"
Further vulgarities ensued from sweet Stephanie. Stephanie
then throws the court papers all over the road.
Gord waves at her, winks, and blows a kiss as he drives off.
The waiting game begins.
Eventually Gord get her response from the court papers. Seems
she has decided to go with the "never rented the games, but
rather bought this game that don't exist."
So, the settlement hearing comes up. She's an angry woman.
Never going to pay, Gord's making this up to personally ruin
her life, and she's a good little girl who volunteers every
Sunday to help the needy and gives money to orphanages (well,
ok, that last part was made up).
Then comes… the trial!
So she has to spend 12 hours on the road to come to this
trial. Wow. That was much better than simply paying me the
$180 she owed.
Ah the trial. You'd think if you were going to sit there and
lie your way to freedom, you'd at least use only one story.
Anyway, first she comes up with the magical game she bought
from me. At that time, I used a counterfeiting pen to mark my
used games (that way someone didn't buy a game, and then
return their broken one saying the one they bought from me was
defective). Since she didn't know about that (as almost no
one did), it showed that the game didn't come from me.
Second, I noted to the judge that I had her personal ID info
and ID #'s on file. She tried to get around this one a couple
times. First, she claimed she needed to show ID to buy a game
(we all laughed at that one). Second, the judged asked for
her ID to confirm the #'s. She tried to use her new Alberta
ID. So the judge asked her for her old B.C. ID. Well, guess
that numbers matched?
Then we get to the serving part of the story. That whole
"Fuck you, you'll never get a dime from me" statement was
pretty damning. Plus I noted that the residence was empty for
the next month, so it seemed odd that their would be a new
tenant. And since she had told the court she had not been
served, it furthered added to her perjury
In the end, the judge commented on her rather sad state of
affairs and that she should be thankful that she wasn't going
to be going to jail for a week for perjury as Stephanie agreed
to pay the court judgment within 3 weeks without a payment
schedule. So, cost to replace games, late fees, and all court