Never pick a fight with man stronger than you, or an argument with a man smarter than you. Fools..

or when the intellectually challenged seek to besiege the Gord with a claim of law and support on their side, they seem to do so without forethought that perhaps Gord knows more than they do.

oomed are those who seek to use the book of Law over Gord!  "The law says you have to rent to me!"  "You want to know the law?  I am the law!"

Justice: Chapter 1
Wherein The Gord recalls minor incidents where "the law" was claimed.

Justice: Chapter 2
Wherein The Gord meets someone so important, no one knows him

Justice: Chapter 3
Wherein The Gord meets a false prophet!

Justice: Chapter 4
Wherein The Gord is challenged to prove his mighty power, and does!

Justice: Chapter 5
Wherein The Gord repels the heat that comes down on the operation!

Justice: Chapter 6
Wherein The Gord is labelled a law breaker!

Justice: Chapter 7
Wherein The Gord spites a pirate who claims the law supports him!

Justice: Chapter 8
Wherein The Gord is accused to have stolen what is his.

Justice: Chapter 9 
Wherein The Gord explores the world and reviews the law again.


oes Gord pervert justice? Does the Almighty pervert what is right?

ow let the fear of the Gord be upon you. For with the Gord, our Gord, there is no injustice or partiality or bribery.  Those who challenge the Gord shall face what they wish to be, and fall before the Gord they shall!