All he wanted was to bring his gaming love to the masses.



how your love for the Gord and donate to the cause! 

onate to by sending a donation of any size to  donate @ on PayPal.

t this time, the automatic PayPal donate link isn't working, but that should be changed in a couple days.  Until then, you'll have to log in manually and send the money. Note that you can not send email to this address.

cts Of Gord is a nearly advertisement free site.  And the money raised from the site will not go into lunch funds or anything of a personal nature.  Strictly towards the site, any new sites (foreshadowing we are), and if donations just go right silly, a new store....  (feel free to go right silly)

ord will hear of your kind acts, and at this time all donators get the URL to the secret section.  Over time, the reward will change or expand. At the very least, you will have something most people won't have. (Actually, it's questionable that this will still occur, so keep in mind all you may have is Gord's unspoken gratitude.)

et us all love the Gord, for he is our Gord!