"Gamer's Edge." "Yes, I'm phoning about your store."
"The world renowned game store of the future?"
"You didn't let my son play any games while he was down
"Not following here."
"My son went down there today to play games at your store,
and no one would let him play games."
"Well, that would be because today we are playing 'Ring
of Red', a rather hard strategy game that is one player and
takes a couple hours per scenario. It's hardly inviting
to multiplayer."
"Why would you put a one player game on?"
"Because it was asked, and I agreed."
"How are others suppose to play?"
"I would conclude they can't."
"What sort of game store are you where people can't play
for free?"
"The world renowned game store of the future.
Though our playing a game doesn't diminish your child's
options in renting a game that they can then play at home."
"That's not the point."
"Then what is the point?"
"You shouldn't have a big TV and games for people to play,
if you aren't going to let them play them."
"Well, when you open your own game store, you can run it
however you want."
"I'm going to Microplay to rent games from now on."
"A wise choice. Their games are always in."