he Heat
Comes Down On The Operation!
So back in the day Gran Turismo
was 'da bomb' and everyone wanted it. With eight copies, it
was a huge rental. Anyway, one of the copies got stolen in
So the Gord opens a new copy and it is rented to a new
Game comes back looking like it was carved and used to serve
drinks on. Here are the main conversational points from the
<Conversation one>
"That CD was like that when we got it."
"No, no it wasn't. You were the first ones to rent it."
"Oh, well my husband will be in to pay for it."
<Conversation two>
"I'm not paying for the game unless I can keep the game! I
want to make sure you aren't making this up!"
"Sure. You can have it."
"Oh, well my husband will be in to pay for it."
<Conversation three>
"I'm not paying for the game unless I can keep the games AND
the case!"
"Sure. You can have them both. They're sitting in a
<Conversation four>
"First you said the game was wrecked, and now you say it
doesn't work! Why are you exaggerating the damage?!"
"Ma'am, you destroyed the game. You owe for the game. End
of story. I'm sorry if my choice of adjectives is
"If you ever want your money, you'll have to sue."
"Fine. I'll get the paperwork in order and filed."
"We'll see you in court!"
"What? You can't sue!"
"Why not?"
"Because… because…"
"I see you've put a lot of thought into this plan."
Anyway, two days later I get a wonderfully handcrafted letter
from her that would put a six year old to shame if they wrote
it. My god, it was one giant paragraph explaining why she was
right and I was wrong. I will find this letter and scan it
for so you can see it. It was truly god awful.
And the Gord did what he does best, he wrote back.
"I have received your letter dated June 14, 1999. In this
letter, besides highlighting your apparent third grade writing
level, you deny any liability on your part for the damage done
to the game (Gran Turismo) that you rented."
You can just imagine the rest…. Thus spoke the Gord! |