"Why don't you rent Genesis games?"
"Because the average Genesis game costs $5 to buy.
The only ones that people would want to rent would be the rare
ones that would become a lot more rare as people rented
them and claimed to have lost them."
"There is a lot of money to be made in renting older games
like that."
"No there isn't. If there was, more people would
be doing it."
"You don't have very good business sense."
"I'm sorry, what qualifications do you have to pass
informed judgements on my abilities to run a business?
Or do you believe that because my opinion differs from yours,
that you must be right? Not withstanding the obvious
that I am the one with the business."
"I'd rent them. I'd be a big customer. So would
everyone else."
"Your tales of delusion lack interest or creativity.
If your owning of a 10 year old console is the best you can
afford, then I would suggest the claims that you would be a
big customer to be that of a fallacy."
"I'm not going to rent anything from you."
"At this time I'd like to point out that I have nothing
you can rent. Door's to your left."